Student Wellbeing

​​​​We believe that student wellbeing and pastoral care is not the destination but the nourishment for the learning journey …

At Good Shepherd the children will participate in a wellbeing day once each term.  However, wellbeing is a continual focus for staff of the school.

Wellbeing is an ongoing experience of wholeness and hope that is integral to learning and ultimately, to overall health and life success. It relates to the interconnectedness of emotional, physical, cognitive, social and spiritual dimensions within the person. These dimensions of wellbeing cannot be thought of as distinct entities, rather they are fundamentally interconnected and attention to all dimensions is required in a holistic approach to wellbeing. Wellbeing encompasses nurturing the self, giving to others, and building and celebrating community.
The key tenet underlying BCE’s approach to wellbeing is that wellbeing is central to learning and learning is central to wellbeing.
Underpinning Beliefs:
• Student wellbeing in the context of a Catholic Christian school is based upon these underpinning beliefs:
• Wellbeing is central to learning
• Learning contributes to wellbeing
• Each student has inherent dignity
• Each student is unique
• Each student experiences life uniquely
• Students are active partners in the development and achievement of their own wellbeing
• Wellbeing is nurtured in the context of community
• Students can learn, and schools can teach, knowledge and skills that support the achievement of wellbeing
• Fostering and supporting the wellbeing of students is integral to being a good teacher
• Catholic schools seek to positively influence student wellbeing
• Catholic schools influence student wellbeing in distinctive and purposeful ways.